Aus den Weiten Russlands kündigen sich heute Anabioz an, welche uns gemeinsam mit ihren Landsmännern und Freunden von Grai besuchen werden. Musikalisch erwartet euch von der Band aus Oktyabrsky stimmungsvoller Folk Metal, der durch den cleanen Gesang von Sängerin und Violinistin Olga getragen und mit tiefen Growls garniert wird.
„Folk Metal from Russia. Heavy, vigorous and impressive folk – metal in all its glory.
Anabioz band was founded in 2006 and initially played doom / death metal, but gradually changed their style. By adding folk melodies, interesting violin moves and a combination of male and female vocals to the heavy, powerful and gloomy sound, they achieved a bright and unusual result. The music of Anabioz is a successful fusion of heaviness and melody, powerful growling and gentle female vocals, snappy dance themes and furious riffs. The band recorded 3 albums and has extensive experience in concert performances. In 2017 and 2019, Anabioz went together with GRAI on an European tour, visiting more than 10 countries. Now the group is preparing to record the 4th album and is planning another tour.“
Schaut euch das Video zum Song „Солнцеворот“ (Sonnenwende) vom aktuellen Album „There the Sun Falls“ an!
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